
what is?

daily bread
main image
1/2 of a diptych
by neene on September 3, 2008


i don't think this looks like me at all
i don't think it looks like any picture of me that i've ever seen

i was going to use it as part of a diptych
for a new project - 365 days
(which relates back to an old project)

all the images on flickr are private
(for now)
but you can see them ifyou join the group
if you go to the blog

i explain the significence of all this in the first post

hopefully it will help put me back on track
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

i LoVe thiS and aM reaLLy triPPinG oN thE BLogspoT!!!!!
obdada - Sep 05, 2008

you are on track my dearest*
the speedy way even
museu - Sep 05, 2008

great work here... just scrolling thru
ezra - Sep 09, 2008

bsamp - Jan 14, 2022

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