
what is?

daily bread
main image
painting it red
by neene on October 13, 2008


i really don't know why i make everything so difficult
no, that's not true,
i really do
it's part of my heritage
part of a belief system that says:
nothing of any worth comes without pain
no growth comes without tremendous strife

so i've embarked on a project
and i am doing my best to make it
as difficult as possible
so as to ensure maximum growth

and it made me so miserable today;
this trying to make a pleasing image of myself,
that i started painting things out again

i like this image
so i got something out of it
and i see the futilty of what i set up for myself
so that's another plus
but there has got to be a better way
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

GooD StarT.
LoVeLy ReD
mY FaVoriTe CoLoR
obDada - Oct 14, 2008


back later
museu - Oct 14, 2008

try all ways

gato_gato - Oct 15, 2008

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