
what is?

something here caught my eye...
main image
out the car window...
by amberwing on November 4, 2003
...stopped at a traffic light with the falcon junior
©2003 amberwing, all rights reserved

as long as you stayed on the road...

cool view.. at first I thought it was taken with that same camera that gave the "warped" window look..

whenI get my cameras... can I send you my film to develop?? :)
my_world - Nov 04, 2003

sheesh, sorry. I see you gave the camera name.. not that I would have remembered.. But I got the LOOK right!!

oh and thx, when I ever get my old camera, I will make sure and use that film...;)
my_world - Nov 04, 2003

can holga film be processed anywhere?? i but a bid on a holga and L-F on ebay.. yipes!
CVS probably wont have a clue
my_world - Nov 06, 2003

Fabulous image! I thought it was an aquarium in the thumbnail. Great work!
sunartique - Nov 06, 2003

Thanks for the kind words! :)
sunartique - Nov 07, 2003

link thumbnail