no WAY!!! Hey that is pretty cool!! hehehe. they always talk about the "Wilbur Buds" here, so I figured was a good choice. and got the tin cause I figured if you hated the stuff U could use the tin..
that was actually readers digest, another gal passes them on to me at work.. i still get Yankee (this is last year tho) and is is SO different.. sad, very sad. I sincerely doubt the Sagendorphs (sp?) would approve. Go figure, me from Florida and I LOVED that mag. Dave could give a poop less.. but then, he is a TRUE NEnglander ;)
ok, that was a bit cryptic...
dark, and no outside lights, night, full moon :)
I keep trying to get a moon pic.. even when it looks HUGE I get a cruddy pic. the little dot in the sky. I just have no clue, but others can do it.. with digies..