
what is?

Andreu fotola
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Avui es un dia trist..., el bosc de Cavaloca, origen de la majoria de les fotos s'ha cremat
by andreu on February 19, 2005
Today it has been a sad day, the forest wherefrom there come the majority of the photography that exist here, has been burned.
These photos are the last homage to this forest so wanted by me.

Like you, I am surrounded by natural beauty that inspires me and it breaks my heart to see such destruction. But death is part of the cycle of life. Something has ended, but something new begins! Watch closely as the forest recovers. You will find new beauty and fresh inspiration!
watermark - Feb 19, 2005

=( that makes me very sad...
What caused the fire?
hkdivine - Feb 21, 2005

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