I Spent an Hour TodaY alsO triMMing anD PruninG.
The PklantS arT threatenINg tO taKe over=covER mY wholE hOUsE...
HUmanS MusT eXerT theIe SuperioriTY/Dominance ofVer thE PlanT KingsdOM,,,,oR elSe We woulD sTiLL liVe iN terEEs wiTH thE birDs aNd BeeS+catipiLLarS..darn thEMs...exCepT orFoR
Their selveS =thE ButtERfliES... Oh WELL.... We'LL aRe stRiKinG a BalanCe tHeRe SomeWherE hEere
anYwhERe EverYwherE.AllWaYs allDayS..tooDLes