
what is?

the other side
main image
paying the price
by animus on April 27, 2005

finally sat down to do all the things i've been ignoring for 2 months...
this is what it feels like,
where is that bank statement?
where did those credit cards come from?
where did my concentration go?
this is worse than flog on a bad day

(you can run but you can't hide)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

BeautiFuL Pic(& ExplanatioN)
tO mE
It LooKs LIkE thE BlackboarD WheN I used to Go -'69-
tO CalcuLUs ClaSS
On L S D!!!!
{ thE LasT claSS I goT an "A" iN=+the la
STclaSS I FinisheD.........}
Bill - Apr 28, 2005

infinity fishes
bruce - Apr 29, 2005

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