
what is?

the other side
main image
somebody else's shells
by animus on October 23, 2006

and i find myself drifting backwards
latching on to make believe
living in worlds that don't exist
finding comfort in wishes and dreemes
and i think
how sad
how empty
and i wonder
where it is going to come from
that belief
that spark
that desire
and how will i recognize it when it comes
how will i see it from inside this darkness
part of me says to fight
but that makes me even sadder
because i can't see beyond the futility
honestly i try
honestly i try
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

i can't see even futility
believe me, it's blessing.
there are times we'd just go out shopping

you're talking about me here honey*
gato_gato - Oct 23, 2006

I trY tO teLL yoU
EveRy daY.
"If yoU Knew hoW Much
I LoVe yOU;
.NothiNg couLd gO wroNg wiTh YoU"
honestly i try
ThE PiC iS PeRfecT
ThE ProsE iS PoetrY
oBdada - Oct 23, 2006

bruce - Oct 23, 2006

thank you so much for the help... very generous of you! this is a beauty!
inthegan - Oct 24, 2006

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