
what is?

the other side
main image
see this
by animus on January 2, 2007

kind of why i wanted to go back here,
it's just so real
and no
i don't find this gross
i love the body
and organs
blood is cool too
and seeing either life or death up close doesn't particularly bother me
the only thing that kind of freaks me out is all that dead stuff sitting out there in the heat...

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

for me the feeling is quite the contrary............i can´t stand seeing blood..................i don´t like the smell of meat...............the idea of death bodies hanging up really makes me sick....................but i find all of it really attractive from an artistic/visual point of view..............
maximorgana - Jan 14, 2007

and flies allover the place...

this is a beauty
gato_gato - Jan 14, 2007

oh my goodness !!!
agree with maximorgana !!
dead things shouldn't ever be hanging it is just like that ( lots of places )
dead things hanging around in the heat, just flowers should be permitted
wow yukkkirrk
godawful view ,neene!
joanna - Jan 14, 2007

i know what you mean
seven years photographing autopsies will do that to you
sangfroid and compassion aren't supposed to mix...but they do
come down to philadelphia
i'll take you to the mütter museum
bruce - Jan 14, 2007

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