
what is?

the other side
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by animus on February 9, 2008

because i couldn't conceive
baby showers;
celebrating the arrival of the baby,
were a tough thing for me

once the baby is born
i was fine
but i just couldn't handle
that anticipation, that particular happiness
it made me too upset,
it reminded me too much of what i could never have,
so i never went

at this point,
so many years later
(well really only 10 since i stopped hoping)
i figured i'd be fine
and i was
but there was still a twinge of lost
there was still a sadness
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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my baby*

your transparency and truthfulmness
museu - Feb 10, 2008

i would have done a good dad
next life, maybe
adoption would still be a possibility
museu - Feb 11, 2008

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