
what is?

the other side
main image
the sun...another way
by animus on January 9, 2014


this combination of elements
really struck me
the intense colors
the unusual photo
then i went to the website
and understood why it was so compelling

i posted this image
as a reflection of what i am working on
before i knew
what it was really a picture of

now i understand why i picked it
and i hope that the intuition that made this choice
is with me in the studio right now
because i need that
to pull off what i am doing

maybe it's a sign

a set of elements which, apparently, would never be successfully combined................turned into a hypnotizing dimensional.......................and so surreal......................and on top you have the 'notorious' towers.....................
maximorgana - Jan 11, 2014

street gallery, BIG, unsolved, towers, new old
bsamp - Jan 11, 2014

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