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traditional thanksgiving...not
by animus on November 24, 2022


i had a truly unusual thanksgiving meal:
risotto with uni
this is the uni "cream"
that got mixed in to the risotto
when it was done cooking

it actually reminds me of the years i would go
with risha
to LA
for thanksgiving
on the way back to the house from the airport
chris would take us
to meet leslie & nick
& later, james
to a japanese/italian restaurant
that served pasta with uni
it was the first place i ever had it
and it became a favorite dish

that is a little story and it is so touching though...........

it is amazing how powerful food is when it comes to triggering memories............
maximorgana - Nov 26, 2022

i had never ever heard of uni before..............i had to google it...........i
maximorgana - Nov 26, 2022

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