Red Bridge
Red Bridge over Blue River along The Santa Fe Trail. Although I've yet to confirm all of it, local lore says the original version of this bridge, formerly located downstream a ways, was painted red by Union Kansas Jayhawkers or Redleg(ger)s of the Civil War era. Located near the Kansas/Missouri border, this was said to be the crossing point for the guerrilla band of quasi-military murderers that were pitted against Missouri's own Confederate versions of the same. Quantrill's Raiders being the most famous of those. Anyway, as part of the psychological terror implemented, the bridge was symbolically painted red by the Jayhawkers who wore red boots (hence, redlegs) supposedly because they tired of washing the blood off their US Army issued ones. It truly was a horrific time in our local history here that is seldom mentioned or was ever recorded due to the nature of the violence that occurred. I don't know if all of these details of rumors are really true, but, the bridge and the road it's on are now known as Red Bridge and the Jayhawk is the mascot of University of Kansas. Spoils of war, I suppose.