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...:Committed to Life:...
by committedtolife of Taguaiba
There are 292 entries in this fotola since August 12, 2004.
5 recent entries:
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Mar 5, 2007
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Aug 22, 2006
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Aug 16, 2006
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Aug 15, 2006
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Apr 8, 2006
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obdada (OceaNBeacH_SaNDi...)
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avmalde (Goes, Netherlands)
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nosuchsoul (Brooklyn. NY.)
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l (onde haja gente)
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serial_me (brazil)
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divor (Benguela, Angola)
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poetisa (Madrid)
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another_life (KC_MO)
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ed (Edmonton-AB, Can...)
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csnyder (Aotearoa)
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Important Music
By committedtolife on October 14, 2005
I truly recomend Warp records artists...

Specially Autechre and Jaga Jazzist...

There is plenty os samples here

By committedtolife on July 19, 2005
"...Os arquivistas circunscrevem o triângulo,

o primeiro um, o cubo, o segundo um, e o

pentagrama dentro do ovo. É o anel

chamado 'não passe' pelos que descem e

sobem; os que durante a idade estão

progredindo para o grande dia 'estão

conosco'. Assim foram formados os sem

forma e as formas; de uma luz, sete luzes;

de cada um dos sete, sete vezes sete luzes.

As rodas observam o anel..."

Share everything
By committedtolife on June 8, 2005
Expand others ways by having your ways

shared at no cost, well anyhow you may

have presented, by acting this way, to your

ways, a more solid base, as it will be added

with the attention of others.

In account of that:

If you would like to have any of my picture I

would be happy to send you an original

sized file, and yes it is huge, a hole new


©2004 committedtolife

This work is subject to this license.

Share it! email a friend

Superb Video
By committedtolife on May 14, 2005
National geographic, as usual, sending guys

to empty corners of the Earth, this time

to "the Arabia sea of sand"

Take a look at this video, paramotor over the

huge dunes, A bird´s eye view...


Surf shots
By committedtolife on April 16, 2005
All of them at the same sand bar, great right it
Pintangueiras guaruja

news archive

contents of this fotola copyright:
©2004 committedtolife
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved
(unless otherwise noted)