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Important Music
I truly recomend Warp records artists...
Specially Autechre and Jaga Jazzist... There is plenty os samples here |
"...Os arquivistas circunscrevem o triângulo,
o primeiro um, o cubo, o segundo um, e o pentagrama dentro do ovo. É o anel chamado 'não passe' pelos que descem e sobem; os que durante a idade estão progredindo para o grande dia 'estão conosco'. Assim foram formados os sem forma e as formas; de uma luz, sete luzes; de cada um dos sete, sete vezes sete luzes. As rodas observam o anel..." |
Share everything
Expand others ways by having your ways
shared at no cost, well anyhow you may have presented, by acting this way, to your ways, a more solid base, as it will be added with the attention of others. In account of that: If you would like to have any of my picture I would be happy to send you an original sized file, and yes it is huge, a hole new experience>>> ©2004 committedtolife This work is subject to this license. Share it! email a friend |
Superb Video
National geographic, as usual, sending guys
to empty corners of the Earth, this time to "the Arabia sea of sand" Take a look at this video, paramotor over the huge dunes, A bird´s eye view... 502/feature1/multimedia/multimedia.html |
Surf shots
All of them at the same sand bar, great right it
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