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csnydér's fotola
main image
Smoke Signals
by csnyder on September 29, 2003
©2003 csnyder
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

i wan to thank you for this fotola , i like the fact that is open source, i don't know about programming, can only offer you traduction skills in catalan, spanish or french if you ever need that.

another nice shot btw !
cestbibi - Sep 29, 2003

Nice shot and perfect caption!

I want to thank you for putting this site together for all of us photo buffs to use. I know it has been a lot of work and time for you and I really appreciate it. My passion for photography runs deep but was always needing an outlet to share it with others. I am excited again to take more pictures and clean up and post my archives.
Also I was wondering if it would be possible to rearrange the e-mail alerts so that the message left by a viewer of our log is at the top of the text instead of so far down. If we have a lot of responses we must scroll down on each one for the comments.

Thanks again CS!!
sparkyleigh - Oct 15, 2003

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