
what is?

csnydér's fotola
main image
My Summer Vacation
by csnyder on December 29, 2004
Well, it's midsummer here in "En-Zed" but you'd never know it from the weather. Longest days of the year and it's been raining straight through them.

Still got another week and a half here, might have to go swimming in the rain if we get desperate.

And so much for getting a tan. At least the wine is good!

©2003 csnyder
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

Beautiful place! Great shot!
jtravassos - Dec 29, 2004

where is the sun??? :D

have a great 2005!
bsamp - Dec 29, 2004

Aww. Sorry about the weather. I have some friends there for another week or two as well. At least I can tease them about it when they get back.
nosuchsoul - Dec 30, 2004

uh oh
2005 off to a funky start:

Warning: ftp_mkdir(): /http/fotola/2005/Jan: No such file or directory in /home/fotola/fotola/http/fotola.php on line 249

Error: Unable to create remote directory /http/fotola/2005/Jan.
neene - Jan 01, 2005

Warning: ftp_mkdir(): /http/fotola/2005/Jan: No such file or directory in /home/fotola/fotola/http/fotola.php on line 249

Error: Unable to create remote directory /http/fotola/2005/Jan.


ftpdirectory= /http/fotola/2005/Jan
Username= sidbond | Author=
title= nasce um novo Rio | folderid= 1208 | filevars= Array
Uploading file.
Found image at /var/tmp/phpYCfECP with type=image/pjpeg | size=331296 | sentname=image 20.jpg
xu_rpc_http_concise: request_xml=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<string> </string>
<string>name=sidbond41d69845a87b6^title=nasce um novo Rio^p_location=Rio de Janeiro^author=^p_imagetype=Photograph^public=1</string>

xu_rpc_http_concise: response_buf=
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

xml-rpc result is 42430
New document is #42430.
websizecmd= /usr/local/bin/convert jpeg:/var/tmp/phpYCfECP -rotate 0 -resize "500x500>" -quality 70 +profile "*" jpeg:/var/tmp/fotolaqS71WC
After convert, /var/tmp/fotolaqS71WC is 49016 bytes.
thumbnailcmd= /usr/local/bin/convert jpeg:/var/tmp/phpYCfECP -rotate 0 -resize 160x120 -quality 60 +profile "*" -flatten jpeg:/var/tmp/fotolah57Elc
After convert, /var/tmp/fotolah57Elc is 5060 bytes.
ftp filename of websize: /http/fotola/2005/Jan/sidbond41d69845a87b6-web.jpg | url=
ftp filename of thumbnail: /http/fotola/2005/Jan/sidbond41d69845a87b6-thumb.jpg | url=
Connected to with user fotola on Resource id #11.
sidbond - Jan 01, 2005

hello csnyder, i have a small question. why do some special characters don't appear correctly? in my language wich is portuguese, it's very difficult to write correctly whitout them, they appear like weird symbols! please understand that i don't know a thing about programming. Is there a way to repair it? my email is [email protected] let me know something. congratulations for the great work at fotola! :)
manray - Jan 28, 2005

oh, beautiful photos by the way =)
manray - Jan 28, 2005

csnyder - Jan 29, 2005
