i gueSS aNy "Round-'ish'" GeometricaL
a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism.
• Psychoanalysis such a symbol in a dream, representing the dreamer's search for completeness and self-unity.
i knoW/thaT \YoU knoW thiS^^^
buT i thinK aLL yoUr aRtistic FractaLiZeD CreaTioNs: RemiNd mE oF mY owN saiD aBoVe...
TheY (theSe) '_Sphere_' ses===
PerfecTlY syMMetriZeD wiTh a BaLanCed aSyMeTry==CHAOS oR randoMiciTy...
aNywaY i feeL LiKe iT iS mY LiFe i aM gaZiNg iNto wheN i LooK aT [these =ALLoF thEM ]