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Other Eyes To Life News
Day 7
Monday, January 10, 2005 a 7:37pm
By flavio
*I'm sick as the evil. My lungs are destroyed, I guess. Because of that, I had to go to Blumenau today. Went there by car, alone.

*Today I saw what is really to feel pain. I saw people dying of sickness layed on beds, with family people around, old people chating in the corridor on wheelchair.

*I guess making x-rays model book of my lungs let us really tired.

*I didn't go work today. But I went to prepare stuff for Romulo to do my part of it. He made all the newspaper which will circulate tomorrow. Wow. Hehe.. Well, I have to go work tomorrow. That is sad.
Entries from Jan 10, 2005:
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Jan 10, 2005
Other Eyes To Life