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frisca's fotoblog
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by frisca on September 22, 2003
A studio shot from the summer with a more complicated set up than it looks for the lighting. There are actually two lights here, one you can see, and one you can't. The one you can see is not the one that is actually shining on the cubes. It is blocked, and another light, with a tube to create a spotlight effect is shining on the cubes. I wanted to make a statement about letters and words to a dyslexic and how often their lives are off centre (as this shot is).

Outtakes of this appear where only the cubes are in the shot and no light is shown. I don't know if I should bother posting that one.
©2003 frisca
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

Wonderful shot! Excellent lighting trick. ;) I like the idea behind it. You did a good job of getting all the elements to line up.
mavrik - Sep 22, 2003

Wow!!! Wonderfull composition, really ghreat game of lights, perfect!
elabducido - Sep 22, 2003

kewl lightin shot X-plained
alwayz gr8 2 learn! ;)
patisfaction - Sep 22, 2003

That's cool, and the funny thing is that "dyslexic" was the first word I tried to read in it - I guess that's because of the clear "lex".

BTW, was the "wish" intentional?

It's a cool shot, and thanks for the technical explanations. I'm always interested in some insightful hints to improve my own photography.
tcx - Sep 22, 2003

actually the "lex wish" part was intentional...lex = law and I am in that field. :)
frisca - Sep 22, 2003

searocket - Sep 28, 2003

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