
what is?

jk_in_response's fotola
main image
small, small world
by jk_in_response on October 21, 2007
to Andreu

world sometimes seems to be soooo small
but it is just a very faint impression
tiny differences sometimes, but they do exist
and this is fantastic

i have seen this same dried flower ( supposed to be ) some ( long ) time ago.
i knew we had it here in the garden,
now i can see it is not really the same plant
just very alike
and equally delicate

©2004 jk_in_response
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

luisa_in_response - Oct 23, 2007

yes, you are exactly right! waiting and watching, becoming totally absorbed by the moment in time and space is a greater reward than the captured image! windows of opportunity can open and close within minutes, gone forever but captured in your mind.
watermark - Oct 23, 2007

Es curioso como en la naturaleza cambian los seres para adaptarse,pero sin perder la esencia de la identidad.
andreu - Nov 04, 2007

link thumbnail