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Jodi News
Wednesday, April 06, 2005 a 6:18pm
By jodi
Well it's been two months since my return and I still haven't managed to get around to finishing off my entries. But I can't leave Cambodia out of the log... It just wouldn't be right! So where were we?

After leaving Siem Reap we headed down to Phnom Phen where we stayed for only one day before heading down to Kep. I can't say that it was the most beautiful of cities, and much like Bangkok, Calcutta and other Asian metropolises it was overcrowded and polluted. That said, I'm glad we made the stopover.

While there we went to visit S-28 (a high school that was transformed into a prison by Pol Pot during his reign of terror). It was filled with photos of the some 14,000 people who died while there, images of torture, cells... It was absolutely awful and I had to leave before I'd seen it all. I just couldn't process the horror of it all, and decided I wasn't ready to go and visit the killing fields.

So we spent the afternoon wandering by the Mekong, visited a Wat (where James was assaulted by a one-eyed monkey who was clearly contemplating biting his leg before he got a severe reprimand), wandered around the national museum and bought copious amounts of DVDs (which I'm still working my way through!).

That evening we headed to the famous Foreign Correspondents Club for dinner (Australia Day!) and enjoyed a delicious dinner overlooking the river.

The next day we hired a personal taxi (the prospect of squeezing into a car with eight people as was being suggested simply didn't warrant the savings) and headed to Kep. We stayed in a treehouse-like bungalow set up on a hill overlooking the sea. It was absolutely lovely, and provided the relaxation I needed. While there our days mainly consisted of eating, drinking, sleeping and going for lazy walks. We also managed to make it over to Rabbit Island for one day where we, you guessed it, ate, drank, slept and went for lazy walks (oh and swam!). After four days of downtime we then made our way back up to Phnom Phen where we took our flight back to Bangkok.

Despite being absolutely exhausted by the time we got to our hotel we decided to make the most of our last night and headed out to watch the Phantom of the Opera- premiere style. We were in a theatre with approximately 20 lazy-boy type chairs lined up and were provided with cocktails and appetizers. It was truly the gold experience and I absolutely loved the film.

The next day it was time to say our adieus to Asia and each other. I have to say that by that stage I was ready to go home... as I was absolutely exhausted. But it was an amazing trip and a great way to spend ten weeks before settling into corporate life. Which is where I find myself now... and so start my musings on the United States of America.
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