
what is?

i am the lickspittle of the animal kingdom
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there was this building...
by lickspittlerust on January 24, 2005
that i saw from afar on the bus....

and so on a day after a day that i'd been re-experiencing the joys of chronic depression...i set out. to find this building. because these buildings. cheer me up. because walking and focusing and exploring cheer me up. or at least, distract me long enough to feel a little that is not sadness.

I am the opposite, I get down and I decide I am done taking photos and wasting time. Currently done. hoping to wake up again soon.
Daniel - Jan 24, 2005

to live in the window just below the water tower would be so stupendous & make a little hole in the ceiling to catch a drop of this holy water each morning as the sun rises
suzanne - Jan 27, 2005

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