
what is?

Yes, I do
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bye bye mallorca
by maximorgana on February 19, 2017


re: snow
when there is a lot of snow, it sticks around for a long time, especially if it stays cold.
when you shovel,
to clear walkways and sidewalks
you have to pile it up in other places
and then it freezes at night
and takes forever to melt
i saw piles yesterday that were still 5 feet high!
animus - Feb 19, 2017

re: snow
when there is a lot of snow, it sticks around for a long time, especially if it stays cold.
when you shovel,
to clear walkways and sidewalks
you have to pile it up in other places
and then it freezes at night
and takes forever to melt
i saw piles yesterday that were still 5 feet high!
animus - Feb 19, 2017

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