
what is?

Yes, I do
main image
landmarks around midtown manhattan
by maximorgana on September 5, 2019

number five................

the amazing gothicism of saint patrick's cathedral.............

(being honest) i must admit that i have seen so much gothic architecture in my life that the interior was not that impressive.......................

seeing its spires rising up to the sky surrounded by those massive blocks of steel and iron was quite a view though............


the mix of architecture is one of the most wonderful things about NY
unfortunately, we are losing this

i didn't mean to make that animus pix public until i had the time to link things up properly
but so much for intentions
i was just too tired last night to do anything else

are you seeing broken kinks on the blank images that i put on each page?
no matter what i do
i can't seen to get rid of them

it's been a bit upsetting for me
animus - Sep 05, 2019

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