
what is?

Yes, I do
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...and counting...
by maximorgana on October 25, 2020

the whole country is waiting for our president to make a public address and establish a new state of alarm...........

so serious is the situation getting here................

we still do not know which kind of measures will be implemented........

definitely it is already known that a nationwide curfew will be established to try and slow the spread of the virus...............

time for more social discipline............

and all good and bad things it involves................

©2010 maximorgana
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

just remember,
the pain and the inconvenience caused now
will be much less than if no restrictions are put in place
look at us
i don't even think we have finished with the first wave
our recovery is going to be so prolonged
but you guys are in my prayers
neene - Oct 25, 2020

yes that teeny tiny strawberry
is in a pot on the deck
and it did truly taste like candy
neene - Oct 25, 2020
