
what is?

Yes, I do
main image
summer is over
by maximorgana on September 8, 2021

for me, summer officially ends when i take the deck chairs, the beach umbrella, the towels, the beach toys and the assortment of shells and stones out of the trunk of my car.................

in here is this summer’s collection of shells and beach stones...............picked up by juanjo and me..............little by little...........step by step..............

ready to be treasured.................

somewhere at home...............

i will keep on posting summer pictures though..............i still have a bactch worth being shared and seen................


i know these treasures will be well taken care of
i am living with mine
strewn around the studio

& thanks for the link to doll island
i had no idea!
animus - Sep 09, 2021

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