
what is?

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day # 02 (a kitchen with a view)
by maximorgana on August 17, 2022

this is the view from the kitchen door..............

what i first saw every morning right before i brewed my coffee.................

the second day was very quiet.............the beginning of new routines................

it was monday.........the day my sist and the kids came for their weekly visit (they used to come in the evening and leave thursday in the afternoon)....................

the new routine consisted of beach, swimming pool, eating, sleeping and going for walks...........all of them in a different order every day.............a total disconnection of what my life normally feels like.................


sounds so freeing
i feel restored just going through these images
and reading your remembrances
neene - Aug 17, 2022

re: zucchini blossoms
i tear them into little pieces and put them in pancake batter
with cooked corn kernels if i have them left over
then serve them with maple syrup with blueberries cooked into it,
if i have them
neene - Aug 18, 2022

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