
what is?

Monday, April 26, 2004 a 4:09pm
By maxx
Goodbye, orange wonder. You only lived a short time but you made the most of it. You were fearless and full of confidence. The world was yours to explore. You leave an emptiness behind you in the hearts of those that loved you, claws and teeth and all. You were the neighbourhood ambassador with every stranger a friend you had yet to meet. You were found at a truckstop and given a home.

I remember the first night I met you, mewling in the middle of the night and keeping me from sleep the night before an exam. I came down to find the most orangest of cats, tiny but brave and ready to assert his dominance over his new home. I put you outside so that I could get some sleep, and you waited in the window to be let back in, as you would repeat over and over again through the years.

It really should be no wonder that you made sure to have other houses in the neighbourhood where you could stay with a welcome like that. But stayed you did, and despite your aggressive exterior you worked your way into the hearts of everyone who knew you. Sometimes you were kinder to strangers then those who were closest to you, but a scratch or a bite from you was worth ten kisses from any other cat.

It was amazing how much you grew from the tiny little foundling that awaited me that night. Big and strong, the hunter and bane of all that flies and all that scurries. I remember that your strength amazed me, and the world was yours to conquer. There was nothing quite like sitting in the backyard by the pool on a hot summer day and watching you stalk in. You embodied the strength and beauty of a warm summer day, and that is how I will always remember you.

There was nothing quite like waking up to your cold kisses or finding you sleeping on my chest. Or waiting to see how you would react to a new girlfriend. You always seemed to know who was good for me and who was trouble. I don't know what I'll do without your wise guidance.

It has been almost six years to the day when I first met you, but it will be much longer until your memory fades away.

When I'm outside on a summer day, and I feel the wind start to pick up ever so slightly, I'll raise my head and look for you. Because I know that's where you'll be.
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