rua da cidadania II
Em cada bairro da periferia da cidade estão implantadas as "Ruas da Cidadania", que são um complexo composto por escritórios regionais dos principais serviços públicos estaduais e municipais (água, luz e telefone), agências de correio, postos de saúde, ginásio coberto para práticas esportivas e terminal de transportes urbanos. Esta é a Rua da Cidadania implantada no bairro da Fazendinha e também inclui um "Sacolão" (mercado de víveres, onde se pode comprar hortaliças e frutas a R$ 0,69/kg da compra).
Citizenship Street.
Curitiba, Brazil.
The 'Citizenship Streets' are implanted on each quarter of the city periphery, and are a composed complex with the main regional offices of state and municipal public services, post office, public health care, covered gymnasium to sports practical and a urban transports terminal. This one is the Citizenship Street implanted on the Fazendinha quarter and also includes a "Sacolão" ('big bag' - market of victuals, where we can buy greens and fruits with US$ 0,23/kilo of the purchase).
Citizenship Street.
Curitiba, Brazil.
The 'Citizenship Streets' are implanted on each quarter of the city periphery, and are a composed complex with the main regional offices of state and municipal public services, post office, public health care, covered gymnasium to sports practical and a urban transports terminal. This one is the Citizenship Street implanted on the Fazendinha quarter and also includes a "Sacolão" ('big bag' - market of victuals, where we can buy greens and fruits with US$ 0,23/kilo of the purchase).