
what is?

daily bread
main image
temporary heat solution
by neene on December 14, 2003
i'm not sure i know why i posted this image today, i keep looking at it and all i can say is it feels right, sometimes that just has to be enough (and maybe that should always be enough)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

feelings nothing more than feelings....
My mom used to sing a song that began that way. what this has to do with the price of rice in China, i don't know. Thanks for those links to your paintings. I liked the self portrait with painting. The painting has a happy face in the yellow part. I also dug the little creature looking things with blue heads and four antennae. That was one of the detail shots, actually all the detail shots are good. It is better to make the small, details, bigger than making the big, whole painting, smaller for posting here. keep creating woman.
jdos - Dec 14, 2003

l - Dec 15, 2003

it was a big "problem" during that period...
i remember your voice when talking about it.
it was in your mind

I think it is just a way of realizing that sometimes shit happens and we can not solve without having to wait for somebody else to do their work.
bsamp - May 25, 2004

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