
what is?

daily bread
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by neene on December 29, 2003

lauren read my cards this afternoon, not something i normally go for but the card i drew for the outcome of my question had my tattoo in it, this kind of gave a lot of weight to everything else that came up
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
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I am kind of skeptic about this but i believe in the power of the moment as a differential...

...and i like your tattoo!
bsamp - May 25, 2004

don't know your tattoo
had never gone for tarot
but i confess i feel curious about it.

i have seen one specially artistic+beautiful pack of cards of tarot in Hungary and today i regret for not purchasing it !!! it was worth the very spicy price they were asking for it.
serial_me - Dec 30, 2005
