
what is?

daily bread
main image
mexico #9 . . . cemetary
by neene on January 6, 2004

for the most of the time that i was shooting here, i felt as if i was just documenting, it didn't seem as if i had a point of view or if very much of myself was getting into the picture. when i took this however, i recognized something, it felt like "me".

oh, and just for the record, the scale of this is not what it seems, the interior space is probably 2.5 x 3 feet.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ixtapa, cool. one day i'll make it out there, i hope.
jdos - Jan 09, 2004

since this day i have with me a desire to make some pictures in a cemetary here in Rio
where my grandfather rests
bsamp - May 25, 2004

...and i am not myself a cemetary enthusiast
bsamp - May 25, 2004
