
what is?

daily bread
main image
. . .
by neene on February 21, 2004

today i got involved in an extremely obssessive web project: no drawing, no yoga and at 11 pm i have yet to go into the studio.

i can be very stubborn about finishing something that i set out to do, even when it exhausts me, but that's the price i pay for leaving everything to the last minute (and once again, that's a choice).

but the downside to this sort of behavoir is that it leaves me extremely vulnerable and the least little thing can throw me.

and it has... into a place of deep and profound sadness. i don't know why it always amazes me that a tiny incident can tap so directly into such a huge well of emotion, it is after all one of the ways in which "art" works.

(but at least i didn't burn the sauce)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

The price is broken. Good shot!
divor - May 19, 2004

i am listening to myself here...

(but at least i didn't burn the sauce) - :D

bsamp - May 27, 2004
