
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on March 26, 2004

i don't know when the last time was that i was hit so hard by an image, i am not sure i can even describe how i felt but it is what makes everything both so wonderful and so awful... sometimes at the same time.

i am trying, on so many levels:
to make it right
to make it good enough
to do it right
to do it the right way...
sometimes maybe i try so hard, i go past it, it happens in the studio all the time, it has happened a lot in the last 10 days....

and then i try harder.

it's all just a cycle,
if you are spiraling outward and encompassing more,
or spiraling inward and refining,
it's all right.
as long as it's not just round and round in the same path.

so i tried again tonight, if this didn't work, i am basically going to have to start again..

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

this is beautiful
luisa - Mar 27, 2004

...look at a blue bird,too...
prot - Mar 27, 2004

Oh yes I agree with Luisa!

And I look forward to seeing you when I get back from Dublin

hanna - Mar 27, 2004

bruce - Mar 27, 2004

i made it for you. but it was ment to make you smile.
(smile, please)
l - Mar 27, 2004

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