
what is?

daily bread
main image
gerry rigged
by neene on April 9, 2004

tonight i had to do something i just hate: shoot work.

on the bright side; i only shot digital
(correctible, and so much more forgiving than chromes)
but it was still somewhat traumatic.

for starters:
i am not an extremely precise person
but i tend to be a bit of a perfectionist.
not too tough to see the inherent difficulties there.

then there is the unfortunate combination of stubbornness
and being a bit spatially impaired.
this is particularly dangerous when i am moving things that are stuck;
i tend to use a lot of use brute force
with no sense of the havoc that will ensue when stuff starts falling.

and i shot in my studio
which presents a set of navigational hazards matched by very few environments.

thank god it was only 10 pieces
somehow i managed to eliminate the glare on some pretty shiny surfaces.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

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