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Torqued Ellipse
by Richard Serra on April 18, 2004

what an incredible experience.
today i went, with my family to dia in beacon, which is about 80 minutes north of the city on the hudson.

i think one of the most moving aspects of the whole experience was the reverence shown to the art work, the beauty with which it is displayed, the attention to detail, the quality of the light, the expansiveness of the space and a sense of spirituality which comes from all of these things combined with the quiet energy of the work.

i cried as i walked through the ryman rooms: the purity was so intense.

i had to sit down inside the serra elipses: their power was so overwhelming.

i was frustrated not to be able to get to the edge of the heizer voids and experience their depth.

and i was charmed by the playfulness of the smithsons.

this image in no way conveys the majesty, magic and mystery inherent in serra's elipses, but you are not allowed to take pictures in the galleries and even with a lookout i almost got busted.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

love serra, think i know these pieces from venice biennale. :)
gato_gato - Apr 19, 2004

Phantastic !
deeldo - Apr 19, 2004

what a gift to be so open to -- and trusting of -- the power of art...and to convey it so movingly
bruce - Apr 19, 2004

i went inside one of those oxygenated spirals once.
maybe i still inside one of them, i dont know. nice to get a glimpse from the outside again!
ycdtosa - Apr 21, 2004

oh yes!
:* been inside some of these giants as well.
gato_gato - Oct 22, 2004

this is just wonderful!!!

zenog - Oct 22, 2004

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