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like a tree trunk
by neene on April 20, 2004

had a physical break through today!!!

it wasn't till the very end of the balancing series in (aptly enough) vrksasana/tree pose that i felt it: my leg became absolutely rock hard and rooted into the ground.

i know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but i have been doing this practice for almost 2 years, 2-4 times a week, and i just got it. i knew i hadn't been completely stable in these one legged postures; i just had no idea that you are literally supposed to feel as if your leg is a solid pole going straight into the earth.

what i think this means is that i finally got all the muscles in my leg correctly aligned, and it happened with both legs!!!! (i tend to be a bit uneven so this really rox)

anyway, it feels like a big deal for me.
unfortunately, i also know that epiphanies can vanish as quickly as they come; sometimes they are just a little carrot to keep you working as hard as you can.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
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we're all rooting for you ;>
bruce - Apr 21, 2004

kirsty ? has tree trunk legs becasue they are huge fat thing's!
really - Apr 26, 2004

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