
what is?

daily bread
main image
sounds of silence
by neene on April 25, 2004

the silence that has always been there,
even from the very beginning,
has been building steadily.

for a while it was simply a whisper,
a hum,
a portend.

and then it grew into a dull roar
occasionally disguised by laughter
somewhat masked by love.

it is now deafening,
devouring & threatening.

somewhere there must be music playing,
i just can't hear it yet.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

oh, n/...
bruce - Apr 25, 2004

grEat VieW/CaptuRe
YoU'Re WonDerfuLly
bin_dada - Apr 26, 2004

l - Apr 26, 2004

FantastiC RealitY shoT
& ethereaL PoetrY
IforgoT thaT I lOOked aT thiS a yeaR aGo..
YoU are wonderFuL to Be Linking aLL thiS WhaT a
TotaLLy MasterfuL desigN youR whOLe LIfe aS an ARTisT WeaVeS
obdada - Apr 26, 2005

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