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garden prep
by neene on May 15, 2004

there are a few things that are essential to my life in nyc:

my bicycle
the greenmarket
my garden

i have a terrace (most people would see it as a very long fire escape) where i garden: there are 2 window sills for sitting, a table for eating and painting and planters.

years ago, i used to go all out, plant morning glories that would climb the fire escape up to the 4th floor, tons of perennials including an ivy that grew all the way up the side of the building, herbs & flowers in baskets and planters. it was kind of a jungle, you could see it from blocks away and everyone in soho knew it.

a few years ago i was busted, reported to the fire dept and the building received a violation (i think i know who ratted, but that's another story) . anyway, i still plant, because i have to, but in a somewhat more low key fashion.

there is something about digging in the dirt that grounds me (even though i grew up in the city): in the winter i have to rely on my compost box and playing with the worms to sustain me.

it was a late start this year and i only picked up a few plants today, but all the pots & boxes are ready and waiting with brand new soil.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

wonder-full !
easy... - May 15, 2004

BeauTiFuL stORy:
IT is s0NiCe to HaVe a 5thDimenSioN tO thE PosTeD PiCs;
AnD tO bE ablE To GeT a fEEliNg FoR the HuManiTy ?Behim]nD ThE PiXeLs.......I loVe U///\\&88**88***!
bin_dada - May 16, 2004

just as i suspected...a criminal record
;. :)*
bruce - May 16, 2004

(i'll tell you about mine someday)
bruce - May 16, 2004

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