
what is?

daily bread
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inner core
by neene on June 7, 2004

today i found it...

everytime i heard "core strength" in yoga my response was to kind of tighten/restrict, all the muscles of my lower torso and pull up. it had a kind of corsetting effect and it certainly resulted in a lot of definition, but not a lot of energy.

all of a sudden, today, in class, i realized that core means...
as in "the middle" and that the "pulling up" comes less from a constiction (though there is a contraction) and more from a harnessing of the energy that runs through the center of your being.

all of a sudden things came (rather effortlessly) into alignment and i had a whole other source of strength from which to practice.

i love when these epiphanies happen at the beginning of class, then the rest is pure play; seeing how this new understanding will effect each posture.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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l - Jul 07, 2004

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