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daily bread
main image
work journal
by neene on June 10, 2004

what an amazing day

the light kept shifting in the most beautiful ways.
from foggy to sunny
from stormy to dark clouds with sun.

the water kept turning colors
from grey to blue
to dark green to jade
to ochre with reds and purples mixed in.

i almost missed my ferry home.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

l - Jun 11, 2004

G-D bleSS
bin_dada - Jun 11, 2004

the problem was the bottle of wine. :D
bsamp - Jun 11, 2004

BeautIfUl WaYs/
ShiFtINg lighT--
ColorS tuRniNg
(YoU're A VerY LUckYducK)--
YoU couGHtt yoUrS boaT=
="FERRY" aS YoU caLLsIt,,,,,,,,,
**{buT RealltY<<thaT yoU didn'T gEt MuggeD/&/oR/kiLLeDorEvEn woRSe....thAT iS a BleSSinG..}**{amEn}**
GlaD thaT YoU'RE saFe&souNd:ofMindS......wheW!

bin_dada - June 10, 2004
neene - Jun 11, 2004
