IT MaKeS a sLoTs oFs EnSe.
**YoU** cOmE aCroSS(to>mE<anyWaYs)
LikE the FacetS oF a DiamonD...<^>/|\-].
EacH anGle a winDow to thE FirE thAt iS YouR iNNeRds SouL {'S DiStrActiON of/ToOR/ReleaFe }
FroMthE PaIN BornE oF LiFVinG InM LeSS thAn PerFECt WorlD----HowEvER anD eVen Be'CausE _oR_=beFoRe I StarT RePeating RepEATinG mySelF mYsELf: I'LL EnD thiS TransMiSSioN....nOW÷¿
{{oH, btw< thiS Pic reMinDs mE oF a ComParisON MadE of/tO WiTH RefERance aS "APPles& OrAngES" iN +oF thE SamE CLaSSifiCatION oR SpeciESoRsOMethinG.......AppleS with OranGes..OrangES tO ApplEs--I LoVe mY Mac.