
what is?

daily bread
main image
anima/animus #7a
by neene on October 22, 2005


studio cat: smudge

(yes, i do know that she is a little bit on the large side)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

NothinG moRe SatisfyinG thaN as
aFaT KittYcaT
LoVe thE NaMe
(4 a sTudiOCaT)
biLLbinOBdadA - Oct 22, 2005

Learned somethinG=
A smudge in youR minD referS tO Charcoal..
:::: I waS equating "smuDgE"WitH ""SmeaR"[sillymE]
LiKe a StudiO 'studiO Cat' mighT dO iF shE walKed oVeR a FresH PaintinG!!!
obdada - Oct 23, 2005

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