
what is?

neene in response
main image
sunday at moma...3
by neenna on February 6, 2006
this is a test
of my memory
of the color balance of my monitor
the color balance of yours
and your memory

what is this?

i hope you answered an yves klein blue painting (because that's what it is)

so, for all of those who would like to participate
let me know what you see...
was it obvious?
is it too red?
too yellow?
not even close?

(here it is at the tate, how did they do?)

we won't know anything about the answers to the questions above in a definitive way, but we will in a relative way

and, if bruce says it's too red and fernando says too yellow, how are they seeing each other's images...

ok, silly i know
but it's my little way of sharing what really struck me today
©2004 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

hi neene,
ok, i'm trying to check my computer's palette...
have never thought about that, i took for granted that computers pallets were plainly equals since belonging to the same trade mark...
couldn't imagine they could be different in these
and if someone is now seeing my skies is yellows or greens ?

come and see how close i am....
or better, a june sky is of a YKB 79
serial_mami - Feb 06, 2006

love your page
serial_mami - Feb 06, 2006

i'm not much of a color-management fanatic, but if this is off by more than 5CCY (there's a color system that dates me, eh?) I can't see it.
bruce - Feb 06, 2006

BLUe aS bLuE caN Beeeeee bLUe
i'Ve goTs a MacintosH tHOugh & I'Ve bEEn toLd tHat makeS a diFFereNce=fOr tHe beTTeRrrrrrr,,,,,,whaT dO NoT KnoW hoWeVeR
obdada - Feb 07, 2006

I don't see Yves. To me it is to dark, the radiance of Klein's color isn't in it.
anneke - Feb 07, 2006

pure blue, klein blue for sure!

my favourite tint b.t.w.
gato_gato - Feb 07, 2006

on my screen at work (calibrated for litho printing) pure delicious zingy Klein blue - on my laptop at home a little too pale!

& what a good idea Joanna had - come to London & see for yourself!
johanna - Feb 07, 2006

yk is darker, and less yellow than this (as i see it in my monitor...) and i don't like the smell of it, sort of burning rubber, don't you think?
luisa - Feb 13, 2006

but yours is closer than tate's
luisa - Feb 13, 2006

funny... i opened it with photoshop and it's just perfect!
luisa - Feb 13, 2006

funny... i opened it with photoshop and it's just perfect!
luisa - Feb 13, 2006

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