
what is?

neene in response
main image
no judging
by neenna on April 16, 2006
it's my first rule
i think it helps with the freedom

and it is not arbitrary
but logical

making requires being inside the process

judging requires being outside, objective

how could one possibly be in both places at once?

give all aspects their due time and space
don't short change either:
create with abandon
analyze in context, at a distance
©2004 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

what a gorgeous easter present
bruce - Apr 16, 2006

and the message underneath

do it as if it not really a compromise.
it's got to be playful.
that's why "cheap" papers do the job for this exercise.
sketxhbooks covers are perfect!
gato_gato - Apr 16, 2006

That's so beautiful!!!!!
lohan - Apr 17, 2006

My ArTz GuRu
ThiS iS sO True
& iloVeyoU
I DooDLeeEeee
obdada - Apr 22, 2006

obdada is great !!
serial_mami - May 18, 2006

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