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...three a day... News
I should be getting to bed...
Tuesday, September 28, 2004 a 4:56am
By pinkflamingo
but instead, I am finally starting one of these photo-web-things. Which I've been meaning to do for a very long time. How exciting! Especially since this entire undertaking involves my creeping into my mom's room, like a thief in the night, to make stealthy use of her computer. I've been lurking here for some time now, and my neck is starting to ache (ok, that is a bit of a lie - rather, its been killing me for the past half-hour.) But before I retire for the eve, here is a list of stuff you can look forward to...

-pictures of me
-more pictures of me
-pictures of pink things
-pictures of flamingos
-pictures of my boyfriend Dave (who I photograph almost as much as myself)
-a few pictures of others, such as my merry crew of younger siblings (3 sisters, 1 brother/weasel)
-an occasional appearance by Babaganosh, the one-footed garden gnome who dwells in New Jersey, happily leaning against a tree stump...

plus more fun and semi-amusing stuff. I'm aiming for 3 pics a day, but there will be exceptions (aren't there always?) That's it for now...good night.
Entries from Sep 28, 2004:
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Sep 28, 2004
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Sep 28, 2004
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Sep 28, 2004
...three a day...