
what is?

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by poetisa on November 6, 2005
time runs
water through my fingers
try to grab
not wasting but living
©2005-2009 poetisa
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

speeding life !

wish you all my best,poetisa, all the best.
venho aqui vejo e leio com frequencia, e penso em você, mas também estou speeding through life, these last weeks.

love the words of the music...
good it fits you well and also your life!
it reminded me of my youngest daughter, long ago.

big and tight hug

serial_mami - Nov 07, 2005

Poetisa... totalmente poetisa. Tu adaptación ya está más que terminada, ahora sólo te queda disfrutar durante toooodo un año, que va a ser genial, al igual que lo ha sido este periodo inicial en tierras jelsinkianas. Un beso desde Madrid :)
Laura - Nov 09, 2005

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