"feets" iS TrueLy a FeaT oF MastER fuL pixeL pushINg MadNeSS++in the BesT oF waYS<<<<
THiS IS A SpecTacuLaR
(YoU nEEd to LosE theNegativitISNmmm...
YoU'Ve Got a GReat TalenT witH ComputeR/DigitaL arT.
AnD a RefreShinG ArtistiC Mind's EyE
YoUr CREaTiVitY reaLLy BrightenS uP mY DaY!!!
ThankS for PublishinG herE.
I LooK ForWarD to ManY MoRE.....
{{{{{i'M s0RRy 4 U}}}}}