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nude performance...photographers
by jkossatz on June 5, 2005
to those who cannot read Portuguese, i'll say here what formaggini had explained about her last 5 pictures.

Now in Rio is taking place a series of photo expositions, ( both local and foreign photographers ), the FOTO-RIO .
last Friday, at the Sociedade Fluminense de Fotografia, took place a " nude life modeling time" to photographers ,visitors and photography students present at the Vernissage.

oh boy, people got soooo nervous...
i'm kidding, they were just a LITTLE nervous.

it was a great time and a very friendly meeting.
©2004 jkossatz, all rights reserved

come to a life drawing class
animus - Jun 05, 2005

"Joder! " :-), Joanna, has conseguido fotografiar el ambiente, eres verdaderamente única, formis un buen equipo de dos, tu y Mariza.
andreu - Jun 06, 2005

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