
what is?

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last Friday afternoon
by serial_mami on February 12, 2006
blackout # 1

this was the first hour of 11 more to come... without electricity...
at this time, rain wasn't yet a tremendous tropical summer storm...
but electricity was out !!

©2004 jkossatz, all rights reserved

Absolutamente tropical
andreu - Feb 12, 2006

Hi j,
Just got your note.
Sorry I haven't kept in touch.
It's two things I guess, one being Winter when I nearly always find myself hibernating and my creativity at its all time low, and the other the fact I've been pulling down 60 hour weeks.
That alone makes everything old...
Hope you're enjoying your Summer!
It's nice hearing from you every now and then...thanks!!!
ridingduo - Feb 12, 2006

Lindo Joana. Que lugar...por acaso é na Serra do Rio de Janeiro?????
maria9 - Feb 13, 2006

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